
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //  SuperTux
00002 //  Copyright (C) 2006 Matthias Braun <>
00003 //
00004 //  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00005 //  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00006 //  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00007 //  (at your option) any later version.
00008 //
00009 //  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012 //  GNU General Public License for more details.
00013 //
00014 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015 //  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
00017 #include <iostream>
00019 #include "video/sdl/sdl_lightmap.hpp"
00020 #include "video/sdl/sdl_surface_data.hpp"
00021 #include "video/sdl/sdl_texture.hpp"
00023 SDLLightmap::SDLLightmap() :
00024   screen(),
00025   red_channel(),
00026   blue_channel(),
00027   green_channel(),
00028   width(),
00029   height(),
00030   numerator(),
00031   denominator(),
00032   LIGHTMAP_DIV()
00033 {
00034   screen = SDL_GetVideoSurface();
00036   //float xfactor = 1.0f; // FIXME: (float) config->screenwidth / SCREEN_WIDTH;
00037   //float yfactor = 1.0f; // FIXME: (float) config->screenheight / SCREEN_HEIGHT;
00039   numerator = 1;
00040   denominator = 1;
00042   /* FIXME:
00043      if(xfactor < yfactor)
00044      {
00045      numerator = config->screenwidth;
00046      denominator = SCREEN_WIDTH;
00047      }
00048      else
00049      {
00050      numerator = config->screenheight;
00051      denominator = SCREEN_HEIGHT;
00052      }
00053   */
00055   LIGHTMAP_DIV = 8 * numerator / denominator;
00057   width = screen->w / LIGHTMAP_DIV;
00058   height = screen->h / LIGHTMAP_DIV;
00060   red_channel = (Uint8 *)malloc(width * height * sizeof(Uint8));
00061   green_channel = (Uint8 *)malloc(width * height * sizeof(Uint8));
00062   blue_channel = (Uint8 *)malloc(width * height * sizeof(Uint8));
00063 }
00065 SDLLightmap::~SDLLightmap()
00066 {
00067   free(red_channel);
00068   free(green_channel);
00069   free(blue_channel);
00070 }
00072 void
00073 SDLLightmap::start_draw(const Color &ambient_color)
00074 {
00075   memset(red_channel, (Uint8) ( * 255), width * height * sizeof(Uint8));
00076   memset(green_channel, (Uint8) ( * 255), width * height * sizeof(Uint8));
00077   memset(blue_channel, (Uint8) ( * 255), width * height * sizeof(Uint8));
00078 }
00080 void
00081 SDLLightmap::end_draw()
00082 {
00083 }
00085 //#define BILINEAR
00087 #ifdef BILINEAR
00088 namespace {
00090 void merge(Uint8 color[3], Uint8 color0[3], Uint8 color1[3], int rem, int total)
00091 {
00092   color[0] = (color0[0] * (total - rem) + color1[0] * rem) / total;
00093   color[1] = (color0[1] * (total - rem) + color1[1] * rem) / total;
00094   color[2] = (color0[2] * (total - rem) + color1[2] * rem) / total;
00095 }
00097 } // namespace
00098 #endif
00100 void
00101 SDLLightmap::do_draw()
00102 {
00103   // FIXME: This is really slow
00104   if(LIGHTMAP_DIV == 1)
00105   {
00106     int bpp = screen->format->BytesPerPixel;
00107     if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen))
00108     {
00109       SDL_LockSurface(screen);
00110     }
00111     Uint8 *pixel = (Uint8 *) screen->pixels;
00112     int loc = 0;
00113     for(int y = 0;y < height;y++) {
00114       for(int x = 0;x < width;x++, pixel += bpp, loc++) {
00115         if(red_channel[loc] == 0xff && green_channel[loc] == 0xff && blue_channel[loc] == 0xff)
00116         {
00117           continue;
00118         }
00119         Uint32 mapped = 0;
00120         switch(bpp) {
00121           case 1:
00122             mapped = *pixel;
00123             break;
00124           case 2:
00125             mapped = *(Uint16 *)pixel;
00126             break;
00127           case 3:
00129             mapped |= pixel[0] << 16;
00130             mapped |= pixel[1] << 8;
00131             mapped |= pixel[2] << 0;
00132 #else
00133             mapped |= pixel[0] << 0;
00134             mapped |= pixel[1] << 8;
00135             mapped |= pixel[2] << 16;
00136 #endif
00137             break;
00138           case 4:
00139             mapped = *(Uint32 *)pixel;
00140             break;
00141         }
00142         Uint8 red, green, blue, alpha;
00143         SDL_GetRGBA(mapped, screen->format, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha);
00144         red = (red * red_channel[loc]) >> 8;
00145         green = (green * green_channel[loc]) >> 8;
00146         blue = (blue * blue_channel[loc]) >> 8;
00147         mapped = SDL_MapRGBA(screen->format, red, green, blue, alpha);
00148         switch(bpp) {
00149           case 1:
00150             *pixel = mapped;
00151             break;
00152           case 2:
00153             *(Uint16 *)pixel = mapped;
00154             break;
00155           case 3:
00157             pixel[0] = (mapped >> 16) & 0xff;
00158             pixel[1] = (mapped >> 8) & 0xff;
00159             pixel[2] = (mapped >> 0) & 0xff;
00160 #else
00161             pixel[0] = (mapped >> 0) & 0xff;
00162             pixel[1] = (mapped >> 8) & 0xff;
00163             pixel[2] = (mapped >> 16) & 0xff;
00164 #endif
00165             break;
00166           case 4:
00167             *(Uint32 *)pixel = mapped;
00168             break;
00169         }
00170       }
00171       pixel += screen->pitch - width * bpp;
00172     }
00173     if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen))
00174     {
00175       SDL_UnlockSurface(screen);
00176     }
00177   }
00178   else
00179   {
00180     int bpp = screen->format->BytesPerPixel;
00181     if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen))
00182     {
00183       SDL_LockSurface(screen);
00184     }
00185     Uint8 *div_pixel = (Uint8 *) screen->pixels;
00186     int loc = 0;
00187     for(int y = 0;y < height;y++) {
00188       for(int x = 0;x < width;x++, div_pixel += bpp * LIGHTMAP_DIV, loc++) {
00189         if(red_channel[loc] == 0xff && green_channel[loc] == 0xff && blue_channel[loc] == 0xff)
00190         {
00191           continue;
00192         }
00193         Uint8 *pixel = div_pixel;
00194         for(int div_y = 0;div_y < LIGHTMAP_DIV;div_y++) {
00195           for(int div_x = 0;div_x < LIGHTMAP_DIV;pixel += bpp, div_x++) {
00196             Uint32 mapped = 0;
00197             switch(bpp) {
00198               case 1:
00199                 mapped = *pixel;
00200                 break;
00201               case 2:
00202                 mapped = *(Uint16 *)pixel;
00203                 break;
00204               case 3:
00206                 mapped |= pixel[0] << 16;
00207                 mapped |= pixel[1] << 8;
00208                 mapped |= pixel[2] << 0;
00209 #else
00210                 mapped |= pixel[0] << 0;
00211                 mapped |= pixel[1] << 8;
00212                 mapped |= pixel[2] << 16;
00213 #endif
00214                 break;
00215               case 4:
00216                 mapped = *(Uint32 *)pixel;
00217                 break;
00218             }
00219             Uint8 red, green, blue, alpha;
00220             SDL_GetRGBA(mapped, screen->format, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha);
00222 #ifdef BILINEAR
00223             int xinc = (x + 1 != width ? 1 : 0);
00224             int yinc = (y + 1 != height ? width : 0);
00225             Uint8 color00[3], color01[3], color10[3], color11[3];
00226             {
00227               color00[0] = red_channel[loc];
00228               color00[1] = green_channel[loc];
00229               color00[2] = blue_channel[loc];
00230             }
00231             {
00232               color01[0] = red_channel[loc + xinc];
00233               color01[1] = green_channel[loc + xinc];
00234               color01[2] = blue_channel[loc + xinc];
00235             }
00236             {
00237               color10[0] = red_channel[loc + yinc];
00238               color10[1] = green_channel[loc + yinc];
00239               color10[2] = blue_channel[loc + yinc];
00240             }
00241             {
00242               color11[0] = red_channel[loc + yinc + xinc];
00243               color11[1] = green_channel[loc + yinc + xinc];
00244               color11[2] = blue_channel[loc + yinc + xinc];
00245             }
00246             Uint8 color0[3], color1[3], color[3];
00247             merge(color0, color00, color01, div_x, LIGHTMAP_DIV);
00248             merge(color1, color10, color11, div_x, LIGHTMAP_DIV);
00249             merge(color, color0, color1, div_y, LIGHTMAP_DIV);
00250             red = (red * color[0]) >> 8;
00251             green = (green * color[1]) >> 8;
00252             blue = (blue * color[2]) >> 8;
00253 #else
00254             red = (red * red_channel[loc]) >> 8;
00255             green = (green * green_channel[loc]) >> 8;
00256             blue = (blue * blue_channel[loc]) >> 8;
00257 #endif
00259             mapped = SDL_MapRGBA(screen->format, red, green, blue, alpha);
00260             switch(bpp) {
00261               case 1:
00262                 *pixel = mapped;
00263                 break;
00264               case 2:
00265                 *(Uint16 *)pixel = mapped;
00266                 break;
00267               case 3:
00269                 pixel[0] = (mapped >> 16) & 0xff;
00270                 pixel[1] = (mapped >> 8) & 0xff;
00271                 pixel[2] = (mapped >> 0) & 0xff;
00272 #else
00273                 pixel[0] = (mapped >> 0) & 0xff;
00274                 pixel[1] = (mapped >> 8) & 0xff;
00275                 pixel[2] = (mapped >> 16) & 0xff;
00276 #endif
00277                 break;
00278               case 4:
00279                 *(Uint32 *)pixel = mapped;
00280                 break;
00281             }
00282           }
00283           pixel += screen->pitch - LIGHTMAP_DIV * bpp;
00284         }
00285       }
00286       div_pixel += (screen->pitch - width * bpp) * LIGHTMAP_DIV;
00287     }
00288     if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen))
00289     {
00290       SDL_UnlockSurface(screen);
00291     }
00292   }
00293 }
00295 void
00296 SDLLightmap::light_blit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *src_rect, int dstx, int dsty)
00297 {
00298   dstx /= LIGHTMAP_DIV;
00299   dsty /= LIGHTMAP_DIV;
00300   int srcx = src_rect->x / LIGHTMAP_DIV;
00301   int srcy = src_rect->y / LIGHTMAP_DIV;
00302   int blit_width = src_rect->w / LIGHTMAP_DIV;
00303   int blit_height = src_rect->h / LIGHTMAP_DIV;
00304   int bpp = src->format->BytesPerPixel;
00305   if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(src))
00306   {
00307     SDL_LockSurface(src);
00308   }
00309   Uint8 *pixel = (Uint8 *) src->pixels + srcy * src->pitch + srcx * bpp;
00310   int loc = dsty * width + dstx;
00311   for(int y = 0;y < blit_height;y++) {
00312     for(int x = 0;x < blit_width;x++, pixel += bpp * LIGHTMAP_DIV, loc++) {
00313       if(x + dstx < 0 || y + dsty < 0 || x + dstx >= width || y + dsty >= height)
00314       {
00315         continue;
00316       }
00317       if(red_channel[loc] == 0xff && green_channel[loc] == 0xff && blue_channel[loc] == 0xff)
00318       {
00319         continue;
00320       }
00322       Uint32 mapped = 0;
00323       switch(bpp) {
00324         case 1:
00325           mapped = *pixel;
00326           break;
00327         case 2:
00328           mapped = *(Uint16 *)pixel;
00329           break;
00330         case 3:
00332           mapped |= pixel[0] << 16;
00333           mapped |= pixel[1] << 8;
00334           mapped |= pixel[2] << 0;
00335 #else
00336           mapped |= pixel[0] << 0;
00337           mapped |= pixel[1] << 8;
00338           mapped |= pixel[2] << 16;
00339 #endif
00340           break;
00341         case 4:
00342           mapped = *(Uint32 *)pixel;
00343           break;
00344       }
00345       Uint8 red, green, blue, alpha;
00346       SDL_GetRGBA(mapped, src->format, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha);
00348       if(red != 0)
00349       {
00350         int redsum = red_channel[loc] + (red * alpha >> 8);
00351         red_channel[loc] = redsum & ~0xff ? 0xff : redsum;
00352       }
00353       if(green != 0)
00354       {
00355         int greensum = green_channel[loc] + (green * alpha >> 8);
00356         green_channel[loc] = greensum & ~0xff ? 0xff : greensum;
00357       }
00358       if(blue != 0)
00359       {
00360         int bluesum = blue_channel[loc] + (blue * alpha >> 8);
00361         blue_channel[loc] = bluesum & ~0xff ? 0xff : bluesum;
00362       }
00363     }
00364     pixel += (src->pitch - blit_width * bpp) * LIGHTMAP_DIV;
00365     loc += width - blit_width;
00366   }
00367   if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(src))
00368   {
00369     SDL_UnlockSurface(src);
00370   }
00371 }
00373 /*void Lightmap::light_blit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *src_rect, int dstx, int dsty)
00374   {
00375   int bpp = src->format->BytesPerPixel;
00376   if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(src))
00377   {
00378   SDL_LockSurface(src);
00379   }
00380   Uint8 *pixel = (Uint8 *) src->pixels + src_rect->y * src->pitch + src_rect->x * bpp;
00381   int loc = dsty * width + dstx;
00382   for(int y = 0;y < src_rect->h;y++) {
00383   for(int x = 0;x < src_rect->w;x++, pixel += bpp, loc++) {
00384   if(x + dstx < 0 || y + dsty < 0 || x + dstx >= width || y + dsty >= height)
00385   {
00386   continue;
00387   }
00388   if(red_channel[loc] == 0xff && green_channel[loc] == 0xff && blue_channel[loc] == 0xff)
00389   {
00390   continue;
00391   }
00393   Uint32 mapped = 0;
00394   switch(bpp) {
00395   case 1:
00396   mapped = *pixel;
00397   break;
00398   case 2:
00399   mapped = *(Uint16 *)pixel;
00400   break;
00401   case 3:
00403   mapped |= pixel[0] << 16;
00404   mapped |= pixel[1] << 8;
00405   mapped |= pixel[2] << 0;
00406   #else
00407   mapped |= pixel[0] << 0;
00408   mapped |= pixel[1] << 8;
00409   mapped |= pixel[2] << 16;
00410   #endif
00411   break;
00412   case 4:
00413   mapped = *(Uint32 *)pixel;
00414   break;
00415   }
00416   Uint8 red, green, blue, alpha;
00417   SDL_GetRGBA(mapped, src->format, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha);
00419   if(red != 0)
00420   {
00421   int redsum = red_channel[loc] + (red * alpha >> 8);
00422   red_channel[loc] = redsum & ~0xff ? 0xff : redsum;
00423   }
00424   if(green != 0)
00425   {
00426   int greensum = green_channel[loc] + (green * alpha >> 8);
00427   green_channel[loc] = greensum & ~0xff ? 0xff : greensum;
00428   }
00429   if(blue != 0)
00430   {
00431   int bluesum = blue_channel[loc] + (blue * alpha >> 8);
00432   blue_channel[loc] = bluesum & ~0xff ? 0xff : bluesum;
00433   }
00434   }
00435   pixel += src->pitch - src_rect->w * bpp;
00436   loc += width - src_rect->w;
00437   }
00438   if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(src))
00439   {
00440   SDL_UnlockSurface(src);
00441   }
00442   }*/
00444 void
00445 SDLLightmap::draw_surface(const DrawingRequest& request)
00446 {
00447   if(( == 0.0 && == 0.0 && == 0.0) || request.color.alpha == 0.0 || request.alpha == 0.0)
00448   {
00449     return;
00450   }
00451   //FIXME: support parameters request.alpha, request.angle, request.blend
00453   const Surface* surface = (const Surface*) request.request_data;
00454   boost::shared_ptr<SDLTexture> sdltexture = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SDLTexture>(surface->get_texture());
00455   SDLSurfaceData *surface_data = reinterpret_cast<SDLSurfaceData *>(surface->get_surface_data());
00457   DrawingEffect effect = request.drawing_effect;
00458   if (surface->get_flipx()) effect = HORIZONTAL_FLIP;
00460   SDL_Surface *transform = sdltexture->get_transform(request.color, effect);
00462   // get and check SDL_Surface
00463   if (transform == 0) {
00464     std::cerr << "Warning: Tried to draw NULL surface, skipped draw" << std::endl;
00465     return;
00466   }
00468   SDL_Rect *src_rect = surface_data->get_src_rect(effect);
00469   int dstx = (int) request.pos.x * numerator / denominator;
00470   int dsty = (int) request.pos.y * numerator / denominator;
00471   light_blit(transform, src_rect, dstx, dsty);
00472 }
00474 void
00475 SDLLightmap::draw_surface_part(const DrawingRequest& request)
00476 {
00477   const SurfacePartRequest* surfacepartrequest
00478     = (SurfacePartRequest*) request.request_data;
00480   const Surface* surface = surfacepartrequest->surface;
00481   boost::shared_ptr<SDLTexture> sdltexture = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SDLTexture>(surface->get_texture());
00483   DrawingEffect effect = request.drawing_effect;
00484   if (surface->get_flipx()) effect = HORIZONTAL_FLIP;
00486   SDL_Surface *transform = sdltexture->get_transform(Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), effect);
00488   // get and check SDL_Surface
00489   if (transform == 0) {
00490     std::cerr << "Warning: Tried to draw NULL surface, skipped draw" << std::endl;
00491     return;
00492   }
00494   int ox, oy;
00495   if (effect == HORIZONTAL_FLIP)
00496   {
00497     ox = sdltexture->get_texture_width() - surface->get_x() - (int) surfacepartrequest->size.x;
00498   }
00499   else
00500   {
00501     ox = surface->get_x();
00502   }
00503   if (effect == VERTICAL_FLIP)
00504   {
00505     oy = sdltexture->get_texture_height() - surface->get_y() - (int) surfacepartrequest->size.y;
00506   }
00507   else
00508   {
00509     oy = surface->get_y();
00510   }
00512   SDL_Rect src_rect;
00513   src_rect.x = (ox + (int) surfacepartrequest->source.x) * numerator / denominator;
00514   src_rect.y = (oy + (int) surfacepartrequest->source.y) * numerator / denominator;
00515   src_rect.w = (int) surfacepartrequest->size.x * numerator / denominator;
00516   src_rect.h = (int) surfacepartrequest->size.y * numerator / denominator;
00517   int dstx = (int) request.pos.x * numerator / denominator;
00518   int dsty = (int) request.pos.y * numerator / denominator;
00519   light_blit(transform, &src_rect, dstx, dsty);
00520 }
00522 void
00523 SDLLightmap::draw_gradient(const DrawingRequest& request)
00524 {
00525   const GradientRequest* gradientrequest 
00526     = (GradientRequest*) request.request_data;
00527   const Color& top = gradientrequest->top;
00528   const Color& bottom = gradientrequest->bottom;
00530   int loc = 0;
00531   for(int y = 0;y < height;++y)
00532   {
00533     Uint8 red = (Uint8)((((float)( * y + * 255);
00534     Uint8 green = (Uint8)((((float)( * y + * 255);
00535     Uint8 blue = (Uint8)((((float)( * y + * 255);
00536     Uint8 alpha = (Uint8)((((float)(top.alpha-bottom.alpha)/(0-height)) * y + top.alpha) * 255);
00537     for(int x = 0;x < width;x++, loc++) {
00538       if(red != 0)
00539       {
00540         int redsum = red_channel[loc] + (red * alpha >> 8);
00541         red_channel[loc] = redsum & ~0xff ? 0xff : redsum;
00542       }
00543       if(green != 0)
00544       {
00545         int greensum = green_channel[loc] + (green * alpha >> 8);
00546         green_channel[loc] = greensum & ~0xff ? 0xff : greensum;
00547       }
00548       if(blue != 0)
00549       {
00550         int bluesum = blue_channel[loc] + (blue * alpha >> 8);
00551         blue_channel[loc] = bluesum & ~0xff ? 0xff : bluesum;
00552       }
00553     }
00554   }
00555 }
00557 void
00558 SDLLightmap::draw_filled_rect(const DrawingRequest& request)
00559 {
00560   const FillRectRequest* fillrectrequest
00561     = (FillRectRequest*) request.request_data;
00563   int rect_x = (int) (request.pos.x * width / SCREEN_WIDTH);
00564   int rect_y = (int) (request.pos.y * height / SCREEN_HEIGHT);
00565   int rect_w = (int) (fillrectrequest->size.x * width / SCREEN_WIDTH);
00566   int rect_h = (int) (fillrectrequest->size.y * height / SCREEN_HEIGHT);
00567   Uint8 red = (Uint8) (fillrectrequest-> * fillrectrequest->color.alpha * 255);
00568   Uint8 green = (Uint8) (fillrectrequest-> * fillrectrequest->color.alpha * 255);
00569   Uint8 blue = (Uint8) (fillrectrequest-> * fillrectrequest->color.alpha * 255);
00570   if(red == 0 && green == 0 && blue == 0)
00571   {
00572     return;
00573   }
00574   for(int y = rect_y;y < rect_y + rect_h;y++) {
00575     for(int x = rect_x;x < rect_x + rect_w;x++) {
00576       int loc = y * width + x;
00577       if(red != 0)
00578       {
00579         int redsum = red_channel[loc] + red;
00580         red_channel[loc] = redsum & ~0xff ? 0xff : redsum;
00581       }
00582       if(green != 0)
00583       {
00584         int greensum = green_channel[loc] + green;
00585         green_channel[loc] = greensum & ~0xff ? 0xff : greensum;
00586       }
00587       if(blue != 0)
00588       {
00589         int bluesum = blue_channel[loc] + blue;
00590         blue_channel[loc] = bluesum & ~0xff ? 0xff : bluesum;
00591       }
00592     }
00593   }
00594 }
00596 void
00597 SDLLightmap::get_light(const DrawingRequest& request) const
00598 {
00599   const GetLightRequest* getlightrequest 
00600     = (GetLightRequest*) request.request_data;
00602   int x = (int) (request.pos.x * width / SCREEN_WIDTH);
00603   int y = (int) (request.pos.y * height / SCREEN_HEIGHT);
00604   int loc = y * width + x;
00605   *(getlightrequest->color_ptr) = Color(((float)red_channel[loc])/255, ((float)green_channel[loc])/255, ((float)blue_channel[loc])/255);
00606 }
00608 /* EOF */

Generated on Mon Jun 9 03:38:24 2014 for SuperTux by  doxygen 1.5.1