AATriangle | An axis-aligned triangle (ie |
AbstractObjectFactory | |
Addon | Represents an (available or installed) Add-on, e.g |
AddonManager | Checks for, installs and removes Add-ons |
AddonMenu | |
AmbientSound | |
scripting::AmbientSound | |
AngryStone | |
Background | |
BadGuy | Base class for moving sprites that can hurt the Player |
BicyclePlatform | Used to construct a pair of bicycle platforms: If one is pushed down, the other one rises |
Blend | |
Block | |
Bomb | |
BonusBlock | |
BouncingSnowball | |
BouncyCoin | |
Brick | |
BrokenBrick | |
Bullet | |
Button | |
ButtonGroup | |
scripting::Camera | |
Camera | |
CameraConfig | |
scripting::Candle | |
Candle | A burning candle: Simple, scriptable level decoration |
CaptainSnowball | |
Climbable | |
CloudParticleSystem | |
CloudParticleSystem::CloudParticle | |
CodeController | This is a dummy controller that doesn't react to any user input but should be controlled by code |
Coin | |
CollisionHit | This class collects data about a collision |
Color | |
CometParticleSystem | |
CometParticleSystem::CometParticle | |
ConcreteObjectFactory< C > | |
Config | |
Console | |
ConsoleStreamBuffer | |
collision::Constraints | |
ContribMenu | |
ContribWorldMenu | |
Controller | |
Crystallo | |
Currenton< C > | A 'Currenton' allows access to the currently active instance of a class via the static current() function |
Dart | Badguy "Dart" - Your average poison dart |
DartTrap | Badguy "DartTrap" - Shoots a Dart at regular intervals |
Decal | A decorative image, perhaps part of the terrain |
TinyGetText::Dictionary | A simple dictionary class that mimics gettext() behaviour |
TinyGetText::DictionaryManager | Manager class for dictionaries, you give it a bunch of directories with .po files and it will then automatically load the right file on demand depending on which language was set |
Dispenser | |
scripting::DisplayEffect | |
DisplayEffect | |
Door | |
DrawingContext | This class provides functions for drawing things on screen |
DrawingContext::Transform | |
DrawingRequest | |
DummySoundSource | |
Electrifier | |
EndSequence | |
EndSequenceFireworks | |
EndSequenceWalkLeft | |
EndSequenceWalkRight | |
Explosion | Just your average explosion - goes boom, hurts Tux |
FadeOut | Fades a screen towards a specific color |
FallingCoin | |
FileSystem | |
FillRectRequest | |
Firefly | A Firefly: When tux touches it, it begins buzzing and you will respawn at this position |
Fireworks | |
Fish | |
FL_Locale | |
Flame | |
FlipLevelTransformer | Vertically or horizontally flip a level |
scripting::FloatingImage | |
FloatingImage | |
FloatingText | |
Flower | |
FlyingSnowBall | |
Font | |
Font::Glyph | |
GameMenu | |
GameObject | Base class for all the things that make up Levels' Sectors |
GameObject::RemoveListenerListEntry | |
GameSession | Screen that runs a Level, where Players run and jump through Sectors |
GetLightRequest | |
GhostParticleSystem | |
GhostParticleSystem::GhostParticle | |
GhostTree | |
GLLightmap | |
GLRenderer | |
GLSurfaceData | |
GLTexture | This class is a wrapper around a texture handle |
Gradient | |
GradientRequest | |
GrowUp | |
Haywire | |
HurtingPlatform | Platform that hurts Tux and Badguys when touched |
IceCrusher | This class is the base class for icecrushers that tux can stand on |
IFileStream | |
IFileStreambuf | This class implements a C++ streambuf object for physfs files |
Igel | Badguy "Igel" - a hedgehog that can absorb bullets |
InfoBlock | |
InfoBox | This class is displaying a box with information text inside the game |
InfoBoxLine | Helper class for InfoBox: Represents a line of text |
InverseEllipseRequest | |
InvisibleBlock | |
InvisibleWall | A tile that starts falling down if tux stands to long on it |
Ispy | An Ispy: When it spots Tux, a script will run |
JoystickKeyboardController | |
JoystickMenu | |
Jumpy | |
KamikazeSnowball | |
KeyboardMenu | |
Kugelblitz | |
TinyGetText::LanguageDef | |
LanguageMenu | |
Lantern | Lantern |
Level | Represents a collection of Sectors running in a single GameSession |
LevelIntro | Screen that welcomes the player to a level |
worldmap::LevelTile | |
scripting::LevelTime | |
LevelTime | |
LevelTransformer | This class is an abstract interface for algorithms that transform levels in some way before they are played |
lisp::Lexer | |
Light | |
Lightmap | |
lisp::Lisp | |
lisp::ListIterator | Small and a bit hacky helper class that helps parsing lisp lists where all entries are lists again themselves |
MagicBlock | |
Main | |
MainMenu | |
MD5 | |
Menu | |
MenuItem | |
MenuManager | |
MenuStorage | |
Mole | |
MoleRock | Badguy "MoleRock" - Rock thrown by "Mole" Badguy |
MouseCursor | Used to create mouse cursors |
MovingObject | Base class for all dynamic/moving game objects |
MovingSprite | Abstract base class for MovingObjects that are represented by a Sprite |
MrBomb | |
MrIceBlock | |
MrTree | |
ObjectFactory | |
ObjectRemoveListener | |
OFileStream | |
OFileStreambuf | |
OggSoundFile | |
OneUp | |
OpenALSoundSource | |
OptionsMenu | |
Owl | |
lisp::Parser | |
Particle | |
Particles | |
Particles::Particle | |
ParticleSystem | This is the base class for particle systems |
ParticleSystem::Particle | |
ParticleSystem_Interactive | This is an alternative class for particle systems |
ParticleSystem_Interactive::Particle | |
Path | |
Path::Node | Helper class that stores an individual node of a Path |
PathWalker | A walker that travels along a path |
PhysFSFileSystem | |
Physic | This is a very simplistic physics engine handling accelerated and constant movement along with gravity |
Plant | |
Platform | This class is the base class for platforms that tux can stand on |
scripting::Platform | |
Player | |
scripting::Player | |
PlayerStatus | This class keeps player status between different game sessions (for example when switching maps in the worldmap) |
PneumaticPlatform | Used to construct a pair of pneumatic platforms: If one is pushed down, the other one rises |
TinyGetText::POFileReader | |
PoisonIvy | |
Portable | An object that inherits from this object is considered "portable" and can be carried around by the player |
PowerUp | |
ProfileMenu | |
PulsingLight | Light source that changes alpha value to give the impression of a pulsating light |
PushButton | PushButton - jump on it to run a script |
RainParticleSystem | |
RainParticleSystem::RainParticle | |
RainSplash | |
RandomGenerator | |
Rect | |
Rectf | This class represents a rectangle |
Ref< T > | This class behaves like a pointer to a refcounted object, but increments the reference count when new objects are assigned and decrements the refcounter when its lifetime has expired |
RefCounter | A base class that provides reference counting facilities |
Renderer | |
RequestPtrCompare | |
Resources | |
Rock | |
Root | |
Screen | Abstract base class for code the MainLoop runs exclusively and full-screen |
ScreenFade | Screen to be displayed simultaneously with another Screen |
ScreenManager | Manages, updates and draws all Screens, Controllers, Menus and the Console |
ScriptedObject | |
scripting::ScriptedObject | |
ScriptInterface | Objects that want to expose themself to the scripting environment should implement this interface |
ScriptTrigger | |
SDLLightmap | |
SDLRenderer | |
SDLSurfaceData | |
SDLSurfacePtr | Simple Wrapper class around SDL_Surface that provides execption safety |
SDLTexture | |
SDLTexture::ColorCache | |
SecretAreaTrigger | |
Sector | Represents one of (potentially) multiple, separate parts of a Level |
SequenceTrigger | |
ShortFuse | |
ShrinkFade | Shrinks a rectangle screen towards a specific position |
Size | |
Sizef | |
SkullTile | A tile that starts falling down if tux stands to long on it |
SkullyHop | Badguy "SkullyHop" - A Hopping Skull |
SkyDive | |
SmartBall | |
SmokeCloud | |
Snail | Badguy "Snail" - a snail-like creature that can be flipped and tossed around at an angle |
SnowBall | |
Snowman | |
SnowParticleSystem | |
SnowParticleSystem::SnowParticle | |
SoundError | |
SoundFile | |
SoundManager | |
SoundSource | A sound source represents the source of audio output |
SpawnPoint | |
worldmap::SpawnPoint | |
SpecialRiser | Special object that contains another object and slowly rises it out of a bonus block |
worldmap::SpecialTile | |
SpiderMite | |
Spiky | |
Spotlight | |
Sprite | |
worldmap::SpriteChange | |
SpriteData | |
SpriteData::Action | |
SpriteManager | |
SpriteParticle | |
scripting::SquirrelError | Exception class for squirrel errors, it takes a squirrelvm and uses sq_geterror() to retrieve additional information about the last error that occurred and creates a readable message from that |
scripting::SSector | |
SSpiky | |
Stalactite | |
Star | |
Statistics | This class is a layer between level and worldmap to keep track of stuff like scores, and minor, but funny things, like number of jumps and stuff |
streambuf | |
StreamSoundSource | |
stringbuf | |
StringUtil | |
Stumpy | |
Surface | A rectangular image |
SurfaceData | |
SurfacePartRequest | |
Switch | |
worldmap::Teleporter | |
scripting::Text | |
TextObject | A text object intended for scripts that want to tell a story |
TextRequest | |
TextScroller | Screen that displays intro text, extro text, etc |
Texture | This class is a wrapper around a texture handle |
TextureManager | |
scripting::ThreadQueue | Keeps a list of SquirrelThreads that wait for a wakeup event |
scripting::Thunderstorm | |
Thunderstorm | Thunderstorm scriptable GameObject; plays thunder, lightning and electrifies water at regular interval |
Tile | |
Tile::ImageSpec | |
TileManager | |
TileMap | This class is responsible for drawing the level tiles |
scripting::TileMap | |
TileSet | |
TileSetParser | |
Timer | Simple timer designed to be used in the update functions of objects |
scripting::TimeScheduler | This class keeps a list of squirrel threads that are scheduled for a certain time |
scripting::TimeScheduler::ScheduleEntry | |
TitleScreen | Screen that displays the SuperTux logo, lets players start a new game, etc |
Toad | Badguy "Toad" - A jumping toad |
Totem | "Totem" Badguy - A variable-height stack of wooden blocks |
Trampoline | Jumping on a trampoline makes tux jump higher |
TreeWillOWisp | |
TriggerBase | This class is the base class for all objects you can interact with in some way |
worldmap::Tux | |
UnstableTile | A block that disintegrates when stood on |
UTF8Iterator | |
Vector | Simple two dimensional vector |
VideoSystem | |
WalkingBadguy | Base class for Badguys that walk on the floor |
WalkingLeaf | |
WavSoundFile | |
WeakBlock | A block that can be destroyed by Bullet hits |
scripting::WillOWisp | |
WillOWisp | |
Wind | Defines an area that will gently push Players in one direction |
scripting::Wind | |
World | |
worldmap::WorldMap | Screen that runs a WorldMap, which lets the player choose a Level |
WorldmapMenu | |
lisp::Writer | |
Yeti | |
YetiStalactite | |
Zeekling | |